After round 1 of my moving boxes from Somerville to West Roxbury, I am....
- Completely soaked after an early afternoon t-storm(more on that later)
- Sick of the radio, especially sports radio.
- Pissed that someone invented elevation and stairs.
- Appalled at how many freaking books and other items Katrina has.
- Intrigued by the day time crowds in and around the city. Freaks don't just come out at night.
- So close to getting my new phone! But then Sprint stepped in and fucked it up. Classic.
- Growing more and more happy with the decision to get an apartment with laundry in it.
That is all I got for observations. I was impressed with the storm that soaked me. I guess that easterly breeze was strong enough to cause some serious lift in the atmosphere and produce some nice downpours. Over a half inch in Cambridge. More elsewhere I am sure.
This instability is great. Reminds me of Florida. Humid and moist airflow everyday, clashing with seabreezes and topography to make for some true pop up thunderstorms. It's with us for the rest of the week for sure. Expect downpours at any time really.
That's it for me right now. I am eating lunch, being lazy, then off to round 2 of moving crap( mostly Katrina's crap)
Hopefully I will get my 5 day up again later today. I was having some technical difficulties last night.
P.S. If you can get to the beach, do it! Ocean temps are very warm right now, 70's pretty much everywhere. That is pretty warm for us in July! I would not be surprised if there are some more shark sightings with ocean temps this warm.