My friend Pete Bouchard from WHDH sums up the approaching storm perfectly below:
1) The worst part of the storm will be between 8pm-2am on Friday night. Six hours of frenzied wind and rain - mostly along the Cape and Islands. Winds will increase FROM the northeast in that timeframe, and essentially stay from that direction until the storm pulls away.
2) Power outages are likely on the Cape/Islands.
3) Loosely secured boats may be tossed from their moorings.
4) Lots of downed trees/limbs from Plymouth to the Islands.
5) Between 1 - 6 inches of rain may fall - most of it (3-6") in southeast Massachusetts.
6) If you live far away from the coast (essentially from Andover to Concord, to Framingham and down to Foxboro and points west and north) get ready for a plain-ol' run-of-the-mill weak/mild nor'easter....that's it. The effects of this storm will be mostly felt along the coast and down through the Cape/Islands. So don't fire me an email on Saturday night and tell me I blew it and ask why you didn't get any heavy rain and downed trees and power lines. I'll just cut and paste this blog in the return email.
What to expect
While much of the discussion has revolved around the possibility that Earl MAY make landfall on Nantucket, but there is also the possibility that he may move FARTHER OFFSHORE. That is a real possibility, and one that we will watch for late tomorrow (impossible to call now). If that happens, we will ramp down on coverage and rhetoric.
Ocean swells from Earl are here! Waves will be most intense through Saturday. Beach erosion is imminent and severe. Total realignment of the sand is possible (including the expansion and formation of sand bars) on some of your favorite beaches. Although it's a great weekend to gawk at the waves, BE CAREFUL if you venture into the water. Rip currents will be strong and numerous all through Labor Day weekend.
Saving grace (if there is one) is that the storm will rocket out of here. Sun's out by Saturday morning, and the weekend looks great.