I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Mine was excellent with the best day being Sunday and celebrating Easter with my family and some great weather! Both sisters are getting nice and fat with babies. I am hoping one of their kids becomes a weather nerd like myself.
On the way over, my dad (driving Katrina and I because her car is nearing its death) took us by some spots that I was interested in seeing because of all of our recent rain. Most impressive was Jamaica Pond. I have never seen it so high. The water has overflown the banks on the shallower side and also completely submerged the island located in the middle of the pond! Both my dad and my grandfather, longtime residents of JP, said they have never seen the water so high. Just another example of how impressive our March rainfall really was.
Now onto our week ahead. Typically, after a stretch of unseasonably warm weather in early spring, we see a drastic fall of in temperatures, back to normal levels. This has not been the case so far as we are in our 3rd straight day of 70 + degree weather. Not only will that trend continue, but we are going to be talking about downright HOT conditions on Wednesday.
The image above is no fabrication. On Tuesday, a warm front will lift Northward over the region and bring a reinforcing shot of warm air for us on Wednesday and on Thursday. Areas to our south could easily see 90 degrees! While we will be hot here, 90 is pushing the limit as we should top out in the mid 80's. This warm air will be very dry however and as crazy as this sounds, given our ridiculous rain levels this spring, the threat of brush fires does exist with the dry, warm down sloping winds and very low dew points expected.
Thursday will be another warm one, albeit not as warm as Wednesday, before we come crashing back to reality on Friday. Looks like a storm might affect us in some manner. Hopefully not with too much rain.
Regardless, enjoy this fine stretch of weather! Take a look at all of the trees and flowers "budding" six weeks earlier than expected. And definitely break out the shorts on Wednesday, the perfect day to use some sick time and get outdoors.
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