Anyways! Our difficult winter continues, and I don't mean difficult in the sense that this winter has been cold or snowy. It has actually been pretty average. But I digress. It has been a difficult winter to forecast.
Now, I am not a professional meteorologist yet. (God willing I shall be soon!) But I do fancy myself to be one that has a pretty good understanding of our local weather, especially when it comes to winter. But I cannot remember a winter where I have come across more "weather irregularities" that I have never heard of before or that make it next to impossible for an amateur meteorologist to predict much less a professional one. If any of you have been listening to some of the old time New England weathermen recently, you will hear them echo the same sentiments. Most have thrown traditional model forecasting out the window this winter because it is simply not working.
So where does that leave us? Really back to square one. Especially this weekend. Look out your window. If it is snowing, then you are going to get accumulating snow. If it is not snowing, put those shovels away. Want proof? Just look at this snowfall forecast graphic below.

For tonight, that action will show itself in the form of some moderate snow to the west of Boston and NYC. In fact, I wouldn't expect areas around Boston to see any snow until after midnight.
This "storm" weakens overnight and then a NEW mid level storm forms tomorrow. This one will bring us some accumulating snow for sure. Most of that should fall late tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow night. And strangely enough, the heaviest amounts will likely be on Cape Cod.
Just another bizarre storm in the winter of 10/11. I will have more on snowfall totals for tomorrow at a later point. For tonight though, anyone east of Springfield need not worry about any snow hindering their Friday night plans.
what a disgusting post title